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The Stone Law Firm
New client welcome
first 10-14 days

Welcome to The Stone Law Firm. 

Here is what you can expect over the next 10-14 days:

Down payment: If you are reviewing this page, The Stone Law Firm has received your down payment, thank you! We are starting our work right away.

New client information: This link describes our operations. The page includes how best to have questions answered, how to access your Box cloud file, how to schedule appointments with the attorney, when and how to schedule web based conferences to review the prosecutor's discovery responses (police reports, witness statements, body cam etc.), how to make your payment (if you are carrying a balance), and when and how we will remind you of court hearings and how those hearings are held.

Retainer Agreement: You will receive an email with a link to our web based retainer agreement form. Please fill out the form, sign and submit. A retainer agreement is a contract that formalizes the attorney/client relationship. It lays out the scope of representation, billing, changing lawyers and other important attorney/client relationship information. The Stone Law Firm's retainer agreement is web based for your convenience; you can fill it out at any time on a computer or smart device. A signed retainer agreement between the attorney and client is required by the Utah State Bar Association. 

Promissory Note: If you paid a down payment (an amount less than the full capped pretrial fee), you will receive an email with a link to a promissory note form for the balance of the fees.  The Promissory Note describes the amount and the monthly payment, among other responsibilities. You may discard this if you paid the full capped pretrial fee and do not owe a remaining balance with our firm.

Box.com cloud file: Client files are cloud based and hosted with Box.com, a leading business cloud file provider. The Stone Law Firm will set up a Box.com file under your name and send you an invitation to the email you provided. Instructions on how to set up a Box.com file are on the "new client information" page along with a video on how to join the file, and the firm will provide over the phone support for anyone needing extra help.


Court procedure: We understand that you are likely unfamiliar with the court process, the name of various types of hearings, and when those hearings will occur. Click here to learn more about how a criminal case progresses, the different types of hearings, and how long it might take to resolve your case. Once the first 10-14 days are past, your case enters into the regular court procedure. 

Entry of appearance: An entry of appearance is the manner in which The Stone Law Firm puts the court on notice that you are represented by counsel. Once The Stone Law Firm enters an appearance on your behalf, the court will contact the firm for all scheduling matters and the prosecutor contacts the firm for negotiation and discussion of the case.

Request for discovery: At the same time the entry of appearance is filed, the firm also files a request for discovery on your behalf. A request for discovery makes demand of the prosecutor to turn over all reports, witness statements, body cam, and recorded interviews. You will receive an email inviting you to schedule a web conference discovery review with attorney Edward Stone. Since COVID there is no uniformity as to when the firm will receive discovery responses from the prosecution, so at times the first discovery meeting will have to be rescheduled.


Scheduling calls: The firm will send out links to schedule calls to speak to the attorney and invite you to a web based discovery review meeting in a general timeline of case progression.

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